Aspen Pinnacle Laser

How does the Aspen Pinnacle work?

Aspen Laser Therapy (also known as photobiomodulation therapy or “PBMT”) generates photochemical responses at the cellular level which increase circulation and cellular energy production while reducing inflammation and oxidative stress.PBMT also increases the rate and quality of tissue repair, improves muscle performance, enhances recovery and alleviates pain.

During each brief laser therapy session, the Aspen Pinnacle uses a simple hand piece to deliver PBMT in a localized, region-specific manner. This allows for a more focused approach to treating specific areas of the body, helping to improve clinical outcomes and facilitating the healing process

Extracorporal Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave is an acoustic wave which carries high energy to painful spots and musculoskeletal tissues with subacute, subchronic and chronic conditions. The energy promotes regeneration and reparative processes of the bones, tendons and other soft tissues.

What does ESWT do?

  • Reversal of chronic inflammation
  • Stimulation of nerve regeneration
  • Release of adhesions and nerve entrapment
  • Dispersion of pain mediator “substance p”
  • Angiogenesis (form new blood vessels)

Neurogenx NervePro 2.0

Neurogenx NervePro 2.0:  is a cutting-edge electromedical treatment successful for 4 out of 5 patients with neuropathy and chronic nerve conditions. It generates a sophisticated electronic signal with a wide frequency band to safely treat the pain, tingling, burning, and numbness that are the hallmark symptoms of neuropathy and chronic nerve conditions.

Neurogenx NervePro 2.0 treatments effectively eliminate or significantly reduce neuropathy symptoms while improving sensation and helping to regrow nerve fibers. The Neurogenx NervePro 2.0 offers the most biosimilar energy delivered with the highest  frequencies ever, up to 60,000 Hz.

This stand-alone treatment can provide restorative results that go beyond pain management for patients with complex neuropathic issues that are not responding to traditional protocols or for patients who no longer wish to rely on narcotic solutions.

Amniotic Stem Cell injections

Ultrasound-guided injections of amniotic membrane/umbilical cord particulate for painful neuropathy of the lower extremity

Patients with peripheral neuropathy often experience debilitating pain that significantly impacts their jobs, limits their social interactions, and impairs their day-to-day functionality. To alleviate the pain, these patients must weigh the benefits with the side effects of taking multiple pharmacological medication. Although patients might note a modest reduction in pain that allows a level of functionality that they would not have had otherwise, they might also experience a variety of cognitive side effects including drowsiness, difficulty focusing, and short-term memory loss. In the present study, patients presented with chronic symptoms that had been present for a median of 38.5 months, with 59% of patients experiencing motor weakness suggestive of chronic neuropathy progression. In addition, 94%of patients were refractory to prior perineural injections, and of those, many were not operative candidates due to various comorbidities. Nonetheless, patients showed symptomatic improvement after perineural injection of AM/UC particulate without product-related adverse events, suggesting that AM/UC may be a viable treatment option for refractory cases. Perineural injection of AM/UC particulate resulted in significant relief of pain and associated symptoms at 1 month, 2 months, 3months, and 5–6 months in patients with diabetic (n = 8), idiopathic (n = 7), and chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (n = 2). In particular, the8 patients with diabetic neuropathy in this study improved 50% at 1 month, 73% at 2 months, and 75% at 3 months with 2.75 treatments on average ,which is promising as these patients are especially hampered in treatment options as steroids are known to cause hyperglycemia (Choudhry, Malik, & Charalambous,2016).

Epidermal Nerve Fiber Density (ENFD) will be suggested before initiating our treatment protocol to measure the before and after effects of our plan of care. Nerve recovery is slow and often times confusing to our patients. Long dormant nerves will slowly and steadily come back to life but the brain pathways required to interpret this new sensory input may confused feeling something for feeling something painful for the fiorst time in many years. Since we cannot see the nerves like a blemish on our face we rely again on technological advances to allow us to see…and then individually count the nerves on your foot.

Independent laboratory test results conclusively demonstrate dramatic increases in nerve fiber density following treatment with our multi-faceted, FDA-approved and proven protocols: Aspen Class IV laser, Extracorporal Shockwave Therapy, Amniotic Stem Cell injections and Neurogenx NervePro 2.0.

Epidermal Nerve Fiber Density (ENFD) tests show:
  • Average increase of 165.4% in nerve fiber density, with
  • Some patients having increases as high as 395%.
  • ENFD testing is the gold standard in diagnosing and monitoring small fiber peripheral neuropathy (the type of neuropathy responsible for pain, burning and numbness.)
  • Other routine tests, such as EMG and nerve conduction studies, are often normal in patients with small fiber neuropathy.
  • ENFD testing is also important because it allows clinicians to objectively monitor a patients’ improvement in response to treatment.
  • A picture is worth 1,000 words